Falco | Teen Ink


March 1, 2019
By SLPhantom BRONZE, Norwalk, California
SLPhantom BRONZE, Norwalk, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Someday In a blue heaven you'll alight.

And leave behind a life that's closing in,

Fly high and don't surrender in your fight.

For all that you want and need is named sin.

No ceiling could contain your potential,

This life before you is your paradise.

But never you forget of life’s trial,

Take a flaming chance and roll the dice.

Above grey clouds you'll soar in flight at last,

You soar above red sand and green-brown land.

Vanish in rising wind, all sorrows past,

Bright feathers grow, your fledgling wings spread grand.

There is no time for you to stay and gaze

Unless you wish to set your life ablaze

The author's comments:

This piece is something I wrote about never giving up. Dont be let the world and the skies limit your possibilities. No dream is impossible unless if you stop and not work for it.

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