Sonnet I | Teen Ink

Sonnet I

January 27, 2019
By Anonymous

Sometimes I can get lost inside my head.

It draws me in when I’m awake at night.

I should be getting sleep right then instead,

But my mind’s eye is still burning too bright

To let the darkness close my heavy lids.

Gears whir madly: How to react to this?

Solutions escape me. My mind forbids

Me from detecting what could be amiss.

But then at last I come upon the key

And once again can let myself relax

For I will have worked out what bothered me.

And the vibrant colors recede to blacks.

The beast within my skull will never rest.

Together we continue on our quest.

The author's comments:

This was written for my English class, and it was not required that the proper "unstressed-stressed" format be used, so some lines were not written in this fashion. However, the rest of the aspects of a sonnet are present. So, ta-da...

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