The Butterfly | Teen Ink

The Butterfly

January 23, 2019
By avajhampton BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
avajhampton BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You have the likes of a ruby fairy

Wings of deepest red, brightest elegance

Flutter near my face, so light and airy

You flit from here to there with arrogance

The flowers blessed with your graceful presence

So lucky would I be to have petals

That you could land on me in this plescance

And in my hair you would rest and settle

Beau papillon, bella farfalla

Beautiful butterfly of this garden

Mis sueños son de tus lindas alas

Your beauty worth all that I can bargain

You appear like that of a vision

Your perfect wings, vibrant shade of crimson

The author's comments:

It is a sonnet written in a simplified iambic pentameter

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