Never Ending War | Teen Ink

Never Ending War

January 11, 2019
By Jeffrey-H BRONZE, Grand Blanc, Michigan
Jeffrey-H BRONZE, Grand Blanc, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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This ride that takes me through life leads me into darkness but emerges into light.

How is War Won?

The truth is it hasn’t been

To the trained eye it might seem like it has been

But the truth is we’re still fighting

We’re still fighting for equality

We’re still fighting for freedom

And we’re still fighting for love

You might ask the question how long will it go on

The answer is no one knows

We will only know once everything is how it needs to be

even then the war isn’t over

Because when our war is over a new one emerges

The new war that emerges may not be one your fighting

Even then there will people who are fight for that war

So now that I have said that let me answer your question

Will there ever be no war?

The answer is simple only time will tell

Now there will be losses

There will also be times where we will win

But one thing is for certain

War is never over

Where there is people there will always be something to fight for

The author's comments:

This piece is something i take pride in this piece shows my stand point when people say that war is over and we are done fighting war when in reality war is never over.

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