To my beloved Bucky | Teen Ink

To my beloved Bucky

January 3, 2019
By Anonymous

With your happy cries,

That are heard in

A blink of an

Eye. Your powerful tail,

That can hurt like

A nail. Your large

Body, that flops down

Whenever you get rowdy.

Your weird birthmark, that’s

In the shape of

The UnderArmour logo.

Your large head, that

Looks like toasted bread.

“You’re my horse head,

And I love you

So dearly.” Your passion

For playing Ball, makes

You sprawl when we’re

Outside for hours. The

Soft pats that I

Give on your head,

Makes you wanna go

To bed. Please never

Forget me horse head,

Because I will not

Stop loving you till

The very end.

The author's comments:

This piece is about my dog. The theme of this poem is love. In this poem, I go through all the things I love about my dog.

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