The Darkness Inside | Teen Ink

The Darkness Inside

January 3, 2019
By Jeffrey-H BRONZE, Grand Blanc, Michigan
Jeffrey-H BRONZE, Grand Blanc, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
This ride that takes me through life leads me into darkness but emerges into light.

This story starts like no other 
With a child that has no father  
He grows execrable everyday  
All he wants is to eradicate the human race 
He sees no one as a helping hand  
Only Hades perceives his plans  
He’s very smart and witty 
Not even Humans can understand his pity 
But one thing people know for certain 
He has a darkness that keeps him captive  
No one can stop him from continuing his plans  
Only he knows the stake that’s at hand 
He changed his look so he can live by his name  
He is the darkness that the prophecy claimed 
No one will live to see the end  
Only he will be the last man to stand 
So what can we do to stop this man  
Pray for mercy and live in the moment 
Only these things will stop him from evolving 
So do these things and maybe we can live  
But in reality there’s no chance you can  
Now as people sit under the sky  
They let their lives pass them by  
Yet the man is still out there continuing his intentions 
Cause not even the living will stop his undertaking 
 Now the lives of many have been lost  
Because of the plans that had a cost 
But now the man see’s he’s close to victory 
And no one can stop him from prosperity  
Now all his plans are set in stone 
He will be the one to rule the throne  
Then he will finally get what he wants 
Which is to rule the world and end us all 
Now everything is coming to an end  
And everyone has met with dread  
Now only one thing is left to be said  
And that’s the Darkness inside has won Again

The author's comments:

This is one of my darker poems but is still a realy good poem that i poured my heart into.

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