Fundamental | Teen Ink


November 25, 2018
By Greback989 BRONZE, London, Other
Greback989 BRONZE, London, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"This is your life, and it's ending- minute by minute"

The split skulls and the split hairs are at their end
Here in the world that takes all that we bring
We have to oblige, there’s no time to fend
We have to ignore the irritant’s sting

Their ideas that haunt us, we must embrace
For our views are theirs and their views are laws
We’re disposable minds; their’s to replace
For our ways are broken; their’s have no flaws

For, in this new world that they have placed us
All we can do is accept their ideas
Their conversations aren’t our’s to discuss
They only need us, to grow from our tears

In these times we have no choice but remain
For under their eyes, we are all the same.

The author's comments:

This piece portrays a dystopian world in which the government and censorship control everything, however as you progress through the poem you start to realise that what's being described fells all too familiar and that's because it is a descrption of the world we are living in now. 

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