Love story | Teen Ink

Love story

March 8, 2016
By Samantha_may GOLD, Middleburgh, New York
Samantha_may GOLD, Middleburgh, New York
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Look where we began.
Total stranger in those until that one day,
You got the guts to up to me and say hey.
Walking into my life so unexpected,  
Look what is left.

With our first goodbye,
I started to learn what being alone felt like.
So many faces around me trying to help,
But they showed me I could do it all by myself.
I was growing.

I was growing away from what we had.
Realizing it was terrible for me.
You filled my soul with pain and suffering,
Until the day you decided to leave me.
But what I did not realize then was
This was the best thing we could do.

It would not last long.
Soon enough my body would forget your name,
And walk away from this painful past that you are in.
Into the arms of someone new who really cares.
And he’ll be there.

Now I will be gone.
Into his arms safe from anything that could harm.
With every hug I feel content and at home.
Pulled back together with my broken pieces.
Now I am happy.

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