Sorrowful Riptides | Teen Ink

Sorrowful Riptides

February 29, 2016
By Minxy_Studios BRONZE, Wahsington, North Carolina
Minxy_Studios BRONZE, Wahsington, North Carolina
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Favorite Quote:
Rose petals, drifting in the wind
Rain dancing upon my skin.

Nature’s sweet nothings for me to hear
Intimate moments drawing me near

State of being, does not exist
In euphoric dreams like this.

State of mind keeps me alive…

The weight of a lonely heart is haunting me
A bitter darkness washing over me
It comes and goes like the crashing waves
I try to hold my breath as I’m carried out to sea

With my mind fading I’ll say good bye
Hope the memories of me wash away with the tide
I’m not okay, I’m not alright
Won’t you save me from the riptides

Drowning in this sadness
Not enough room for me to breath
Losing sight of you
As I fall into the deep

Ripping currents cut into my heart
The watery tears filling my lungs
The sunlight it fades, from the waterline
As I sink faster to the bottomless floor 

Shaking hands reaching for the water’s surface
Reaching for my last life preserve 
Please take my hand and hold it tight
Save me please from this drowning fight 

Will I come out alive
Or be lost in the deep blue
Please save me from myself
Don’t let the water come through 

One more moment of this silence 
Before I drown, drown, drown
The sea of sadness swallowing me alive

Drowning in this sadness
Not enough room for me to breath
Losing sight of you
As I fall into the deep

The author's comments:

I was just in a depressed mood and writing is very therapeutic for me, so I guess I made this "masterpiece." This Is my first time ever posting on here, hope it goes well.

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