Blue Baby's Breath | Teen Ink

Blue Baby's Breath

February 10, 2016
By Kaelynn GOLD, Reno, Nevada
Kaelynn GOLD, Reno, Nevada
14 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
We can climb out of hell one inch at a time.

Where have you gone, my Baby Blue?
Did the rose red river strangle you?
Where have you gone, my Baby Blue?
It strangles my heart to cradle you.

Your toes blush pink but purple too,
Your cheeks un-maimed but painted blue
Eyes all glassy, shiny new
Why won’t you cry, my Baby Blue?

Where have you gone, my Baby Blue?
My tears won’t wash this paint off you
Where have you gone, my Baby Blue?
I have years of love to give to you

Waking, walking, dead on earth
I scream in my dreams of stillborn birth
But, may I come to play with you?

Where do you play, my Baby Blue?
Did the rose red river smother you?
Where do you play, my Baby Blue?
It smothers my heart to cradle you.

Where do you play, my Baby Blue?
My tears don’t wash this paint off you
Where do you play, my Baby Blue?
I’ve years of love I saved for you

When your marrow lies in trees that grew,
And by your head, buds bloom anew
On your birthday, I will kneel there too
To blow out your candles, my Baby Blue.

The author's comments:

This was inspired in part by the poem "Ballad of Burmingham".

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