That Moment on the Beach | Teen Ink

That Moment on the Beach

October 18, 2015
By Gestapo11 BRONZE, Bay City, Michigan
Gestapo11 BRONZE, Bay City, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The breeze comes off the waves,
as the waves crash on the nearby caves.
I waved the frisbee in the air,
tackle me to get it the dog would dare.

The dog’s joy for the frisbee is like a kid opening presents on Christmas.
The dog never wanted to quit.
If i stopped, she would make a fit.

The frisbee is cloaked in the dog’s spit.
It doesn’t matter,
‘cause my dog and I connected.
This day won’t ever shatter.

I saw a little islet far out,
and the capping waves shout.
The dog’s feet danced on the wet sand,
waiting for me to throw into superior.
Most dog’s skills are inferior.

Going back to the car my dog was a wave.
She got me soaking wet.
I didn’t care because
It was the best moment it can get.

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