Nightmare | Teen Ink


August 15, 2015
By Anonymous

Here I am, once again,

On the edge of this mess,


I’m broken,
With things unspoken,
Wounds all open,
My heart is all stolen,


Cause’ I thought you were one,
“Together forever” you swore upon,
Now I’m stuck in this nightmare forever,
Messed up more than before ever


Stuck in this mess,
Nights would depress,
Wondering what to do next,
All I wanted was, from you a text
Saying forgive me for all I did,
Come back to me oh baby please


Cause’ I thought you were the one,
“Together forver” you swore upon.
Now I’m stuck in this nightmare forever,
Messed up more than before ever


So I say my goodbyes through this song
Staying strong, trying to move on,


Cause’ I thought you were the one,
“Together forever” you swore upon,
Now I’m stuck in this nightmare forever,
Messed up more than before ever

The author's comments:

I'm dealing with a lot of stuff right now and just like any teenager don't know how to get through it. Writing makes me feel a little better and helps me overcome my emotions. So, here is something that I've written after everything was over between me and my ex and I hope people can connect to what I've written and more people get inspired write their emotions out as it helps me getting over all the anger and depression. 

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