Where is My Freedom? | Teen Ink

Where is My Freedom?

August 10, 2015
By HeartShapedBox SILVER, Jackson, Mississippi
HeartShapedBox SILVER, Jackson, Mississippi
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I ran away

from that place

from that world that causes so much pain

I've found the escape

But I don't know if it's exactly safe

Because safety doesn't exist

To be free

How I long to be free

My feet bleed as I run

Eyes burned by the sun

the water is filled with poison

Why did I excape 

I am no longer safe

But wait, safety doesn't exist

To be free

How I long to be free

She is no longer running

No more internal drumming

That inner bird is no longer humming

It found the escape

I couldn't keep her safe

Oh right, safety doesn't exist

To be free

How I long to be free

I crawl in pain

Back to that place

Back to that place engulfed by flames

I can't escape; I will never escape

I will never be safe

Because safety never existed

To be free

How I long to be free

The author's comments:

This can be thought of literally being spoken by a slave or in terms of social acceptance or addiction (drugs, alcoho etc.). This can also be thought of in the context of love.

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