False Games | Teen Ink

False Games

January 15, 2015
By TheMysticalBlur PLATINUM, Delaware, Ohio
TheMysticalBlur PLATINUM, Delaware, Ohio
25 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Change your thoughts before your thoughts change you."

You don’t need to realize,
What is in my head.
If you searched my brain,
You’ll see I’m dead.
I’m so close to that edge,
I’m not right in the head.
My mind is lost,
I meant what I said.
It’s so sad what I do,
To ease this pain.
All I want is to,
Start over again.

Please don’t leave me,
I’m totally lost now.
I need a friend,
To straighten this cost out.
My heart beat is getting slower,
My self-esteem can’t get any lower.
I’m pleading out,
For some help now.
It didn’t matter how I felt and,
It’s so sad what I do,
To ease this pain.
All I want is to,
Start over again.

I can’t seem to get this right,
I cry almost every night.
I try screaming to ease this pain,
It only brings regret and blame.
No more stress,
No more fighting.
No more time,
No more trying.
I’m so done, so done with crying.
Let me live without want for dying.
But It’s so sad what I do,
To ease this pain.
All I want is to,
Start over again.

You don’t need to realize.
You don’t need to search.
I’m so lost.
I’m so hurt.
I need a friend.
I need some help.
I need to deal with what I felt.
No more tears,
No more pain.
This game is false,
But in reality life is lame.

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