Who Do You Thik I Am? | Teen Ink

Who Do You Thik I Am?

April 12, 2014
By MitchyT Taskey BRONZE, Yorktown, Virginia
MitchyT Taskey BRONZE, Yorktown, Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If people really knew what went on inside my mind,
Do you think they’d change their words into something more kind?
If people knew who I really was inside
Maybe they would’ve stopped….And stood beside.
If people meant every word they ever said
It’s no wonder so many people have fled.

This life we’re forced to live;
They always tell us we need to forgive
But some things I can’t let go,
Can’t brush it off and “go with the flow”.
Eventually I got tired, taking hit after hit,
I began to wonder if they’ll every quit.

Praying every night for just one friend who cares,
Just hoping one day God will answer my prayers.
People tell me “just believe and everything will be alright”,
But I think in my mind, I might as well give up this fight.
I ran into my room to write my family a letter
Telling them I’ll be leaving and going somewhere better.

The author's comments:
Knowing what my friends have gone through

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