Fight for Me | Teen Ink

Fight for Me

December 12, 2013
By sarahcarp63 DIAMOND, Denver, Colorado
sarahcarp63 DIAMOND, Denver, Colorado
51 articles 2 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
'The really important people in life have a way of coming back to you'
'Good enough isn't good enough'
'You don't have to be sick to get better'
'Come what may and love it'

Three weeks ago on a Friday night
The truth came out
And it burst out a fight
You were dumb and I was too proud
I came out swinging like a champ
But you walked out
Something's I don't understand
You start a war but then back down

Like oh
How's this supposed to be fair
When you're the one who made me care
Your hands held up in surrender
While I'm holding it together

Like oh
I think I could let it go
If you would just let me know
Cause I can't tell lately
White flag waving
If you feel like saving
You can catch me anytime baby
I just want you to fight for me

Two weeks ago on a Saturday
I was up so high
I thought I found an escape
I saw the good in goodbye
But tonight the sky's turned cold
I'll stay inside
All the cards, I would fold
If you would just show some fight

Like oh
How's this supposed to be fair
When you're the one who made me care
Your hands held up in surrender
While I'm holding it together

Like oh
I think I could let it go
If you would just let me know
Cause I can't tell lately
White flag waving
If you feel like saving
You can catch me anytime baby
I just want you to fight for me
A bit of bravery
Come on, fight for me

When I see you, you turn away
Can't even look at my face
Tell me am I supposed to break
I don't know if I can take someone else just walking away baby

How's this supposed to be fair
When you're the one who made me care

Like oh
I think I could let it go
If you would just let me know
Cause I can't tell lately
White flag waving
If you feel like saving
You can catch me anytime baby
I just want you to fight for me
A bit of bravery
Come on, fight for me

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