I remember | Teen Ink

I remember

September 16, 2013
By MeganBee BRONZE, Spring, Texas
MeganBee BRONZE, Spring, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"forgiveness is the final form of love"

I thought this love was meant to last; instead it went by way too fast. You had my heart, I was yours to hold, and instead you broke it and left me cold.

Just because I gave you my heart, didn’t mean you had to rip it apart.

*End Chorus*

Maybe all this was a mistake, maybe I wasn’t meant for you to love maybe I wasn’t meant for you to take. To take and hold all through the night, to take and tell me everything’s all right.


During that period you were mine, when we walked we would literally shine. Every time you called me baby, and asked if I loved you I'd always say maybe, but you could see into my heart, you knew that I loved you from the start.
But I don’t know if you ever loved me, you took my heart and took the key, and if you loved me, why did you go? The answer to that I will never know.


You were my life, you were part of my heart, and now that you’re gone, I’m in the dark. But slowly and steadily my heart is healing, healing all the pain and sorrow I've been feeling.
I used to cry every time I thought of you, when I looked back at all the things we used to do. But now I smile and have moved on, all that pain and sorrow is gone.

The author's comments:
I wrote this when I was like 14 or 15. It is really special to me because it has alot of meanint behind it.

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