Fade Away | Teen Ink

Fade Away

March 16, 2013
By MassHysteria BRONZE, Uniontown, Pennsylvania
MassHysteria BRONZE, Uniontown, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Here comes trouble<br /> The uninvited<br /> This brutal love&quot;- Green Day

Why do you continue to dream your own little fantasy?
And you ignore the truth of your reality
You only accept the lies
If only you’d see the clouds blinding your eyes

And it’s a shame
That my memory can never fade away
Echoes trapped in a mind left to bleed
Forgotten in the darkness, I’ll never be
Oh, my love, I know you lost your faith in me

And after all this time you remain so restless
Falling to the truth you will never perceive
Why hate the lie you’ve always believed in
It’s all you know

And it’s a shame
My memory will never fade away
Echoes trapped in a mind left to bleed
My love, I know you’ve given up on me
Alone in the darkness, I can’t breathe

Hide in the shadows, my darling
Dying in a world
No one can save you from

You seek out the worst
Lost inside
You’re weak
The mistakes you’ve made are far too gone
This time

(I’m alone in the darkness
Where you seem to hide
Is it the silence
That you long for inside)

Why are you so afraid?
The life you left behind
Is it catching you
Now that you’re so blind

The author's comments:
I wrote this about the people who lie about who they truly are inside. This one took awhile to put together.

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