Hope Isn't Lost | Teen Ink

Hope Isn't Lost

March 16, 2013
By MassHysteria BRONZE, Uniontown, Pennsylvania
MassHysteria BRONZE, Uniontown, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Here comes trouble<br /> The uninvited<br /> This brutal love&quot;- Green Day

Journey beginning
The worry building up inside of you
Determined to find her,
At all costs, what should you do?

The battle raging in front of you
Thinking you’ll see her along the way
The ground falling from beneath you,
As you slowly rise to your new destiny

The unknown Remnant you seek above you
You feel the rage running through your veins
Heading toward the Mage in White, something there stops you
The girl with the Blessing of Marshall, never noticing you

They rush to your aid, taking course in the heart of the Sacred Lands
The Man in Red appears to you, and you slowly remember
The young marquis clueless, does he see through the Chairman’s lies
You’re anxious to find the mother with the truth behind the eyes

The war of the Remnants clouding the Lords
Marshall’s Blessing drawing her closer to you
You’re racing against time
That’s when you realize

All hope isn’t lost
And you’ll always find your bravery
In the darkest times, you’ll see
So don’t be afraid
You’ll be okay

The girl with the power to control all Remnants you’ve found
The Man in Red has turned against all
To his desire, you must fall
But you now see that the power to awaken was within you all along
And you know what you must do,
As the young marquis sees you safely through
The Sacred Lands dare you go
Along with the friends you learned to trust for so long

The henchmen of the Man in Red you must cross
As you witness the true power of the Remnants
You now face an important decision…
Standing alone inside the Remnant’s storm, you realize

All hope isn’t lost
And you’ll always find your bravery
In the darkest times, you’ll see
So don’t be afraid
You’ll be okay

You’ll be okay…

The author's comments:
This song was inspired by the video game the Last Remnant. I was extremely touched by this game.

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