To be honest | Teen Ink

To be honest

January 29, 2013
By HeartShapedBox SILVER, Jackson, Mississippi
HeartShapedBox SILVER, Jackson, Mississippi
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I was younger, my mother always told me
honey you possess so much beauty
But at the same time, the boys at my school seem to disagree
why am I not like the other girls?
they're so pretty...They're so petite
gain nothing when they eat
have some of the most beautiful faces, you have ever seen
Yet when I look at myself, I see someone who is unsightly
I know I'm kind, I know I'm caring,
but to be attracted to me no one is daring
Their laughter at my stomachs flaring, Constantly I find people staring
I'm so conscious of what i'm wearing, wondering if my skin is baring

Can I be honest?

To be honest, I hate my waist
To be honest, I feel so out of place
To be honest, I hate my double chin
To be honest, I want to be stick thin
To be honest, I want a size 3
Then maybe guys will notice me
To be honest, I hate myself
I hate myself...

My mother always told me, I wasn't overweight
but she doesnt know what its like to have your thighs chafe
A constant reminder that I won't meet societys standards
but rather I'll become a social discard
An ugly, outcasted, lonely piece of lard
One who finds looking at themself painfully hard
With this knife I cut along my leg
A hault to my minds pain I beg
And it all goes away when the blood is shed
Providing a numb feeling of those who are dead
Maybe if I purge two or three times then I'll look skinny
And I'll find that sexy girl thats within me
I can finally be that person no one can see
Then I'll have beauty, I'll have real beauty

To be honest I have to many flaws
To be honest I still self-harm
and to be honest i don't know why i am alive
even though I'm already dead inside
To be honest my mind is screwed
To be honest I want to be pretty like you
To be honest, I want to die
I want to die

Their stares, Their words, their laughs they hurt
And the fact that no one cares makes it worse
The teasing and the names, they all feel the same
causing this depression that puts me in shame
Living a life full of sympathy and lies
Where my last resort is suicide
No more suffering, no more pain
No more voice inside my brain
Saying that I am worthless and I should weigh less
This I'm never gonna forget
I don't even think its worth it
But the pain is good and don't want to leave
even though it prevents the chance for my to breathe
How did I get this way?

To be honest I want to break free and be loose
To be honest I'll give my life to the noose
To be honest I'll stand on that chair
and escape from this lifes affair
Leave a corpse with no soul there
Rotting into a world of pain
Where no one leaves the same...

The author's comments:
Everyone has insecurities. Some deeper than others. But one thing I can say is that everyone has been hurt. Some lasting longer than others.

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on Feb. 4 2013 at 2:41 pm
AnonymousAuthorAir, Killeen, Texas
0 articles 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Stars can't shine without darkness"- Ali Qayyum

hm inspirational