Stuck Here | Teen Ink

Stuck Here

December 13, 2012
By Destiny_Edmon SILVER, Melbourne, Florida
Destiny_Edmon SILVER, Melbourne, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Started off smiling and now I am denying,
what’s this supposed to be, is it just me.
We had a connection you helped me see my reflection ,
of who i’m supposed to be, was it you or just me.
I’m sitting here covering up my ears,
from the words of hate, is there a need to debate.
How was this the fate of us,
and how was this the place for us.
We were so strong, our destiny was wrong.

Now i'm just stuck here in the rain,
everywhere i look I see your name.
We played around
but I never knew to you it was just a game.
Now i'm stuck here in this thought,
of who we were and who we’re not,
this ending is so cold even though we started off,
so hot.

You were the best because of you I can’t rest,
who knew you’d lie, and leave without a goodbye.
You’re not near me anymore, just behind some closed door,
I can’t even stand up straight, I’m lying on the floor.
I can’t concentrate, thinking about our first date,
You held my hand so tight and your eyes sparkled so bright.
We started off fast then took it slow,
I guess it was not right ‘cause I was just your shadow

Now I’m stuck here in my room,
you brushed me away just like a broom.
I don’t know what to do,
I’m stuck on you and your fume.
Now I’m stuck here with nothing to do,
you didn't give me a clue.
Just stuck here,
thinking about me and you.

The author's comments:
Many obstacles have gotten in the way of what I'm meant to do, including a guy. I hope that people either are touched by this or can relate to it.

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