Why? WHY? | Teen Ink

Why? WHY?

October 12, 2012
By DannyB BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
DannyB BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Don&#039;t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.&quot;<br /> <br /> ~Robert Louis Stevenson

Verse One:

It started when you pushed me down
Looked at me with your sarcastic frown
I'm so shy, weak, a total freak
And I can't get up, talk back, stand up to you


Can't you leave me alone?
Can't you find somethin' better to do?

Saying, Why?
Can't you just face your fears?
The fact that you're just jealous of me?

Why-why-why-why? Why? Why?
Can't you pick on someone your own size?
Can't you just find somethin' better to do?


Verse Two:

You said that, "I had no friends."
I say that I have more than you.
"No wants to be friends with a geek-freak-loser"
And no one wants to be friends with you.


Can't you leave me alone?
Can't you find somethin' better to do?

Saying, Why?
Can't you just face your fears?
The fact that you're just jealous of me?

Why-why-why-why? Why? Why?
Can't you pick on someone your own size?
Can't you just find somethin' better to do?


Verse Three:

You said that, "I'm so poor."
Cause' my shoes aren’t as cool as yours

I say that I put my money away
For a reason that I'd actually need it one day
And my shoes are pretty cool, anyway!


Can't you leave me alone?
Can't you find somethin' better to do?

Saying, Why?
Can't you just face your fears?
The fact that you're just jealous of me?

Why-why-why-why? Why? Why?
Can't you pick on someone your own size?
Can't you just find somethin' better to do?


Verse Four:

You say that, "I'm too smart."
I say that you're not smart enough
"No one likes a self-centered smart-alec,"
And no one likes someone lonely who thinks that they're so tough


You're not a bully, you can change your ways
Just give it shot, be nice for just a couple of days!


Can't you leave me alone?
Can't you find somethin' better to do?

Saying, Why?
Can't you just face your fears?
The fact that you're just jealous of me?

Why-why-why-why? Why? Why?
Can't you pick on someone your own size?
Can't you just find somethin' better to do?

Saying, WHY?
Singing, WHY?
Shouting, WHY?

What do you guys think? Should I add more verses?

The author's comments:
Did you guys like my very first song? Should I add more verses? Criticism is encouraged!

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on Oct. 15 2012 at 8:15 pm
Sento_Alucard BRONZE, Benton, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Never pop the unknownl thought bubble for the surprise shall be taken away.&quot; -Dakota Harper

Tis fairly well but i sugest that you make your verses longer next time then it would be a great song