By Your Side | Teen Ink

By Your Side

July 8, 2012
By Michael.West.III PLATINUM, APO, New York
Michael.West.III PLATINUM, APO, New York
22 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
I would rather to never have felt love, than to feel so loved one
minute and in the blink of an eye it all be gone, left with nothing
more than this broken heart I have now. - Anonymous

It's hard to believe that after 4 years,
I've finally gotten to know you,
never really leaving your side, but baby,
tomorrow is the last day I will get to spend
by your side.

So you know, how I really love you,
how you've been there for me,
helped me believe, that you might be the one,
the one that can save me from,
all of my fears, all of my worries,
when I'm by your side.

I've watched from afar,
when you were with others,
how we're always gonna stay together,
even though, you're gonna leave,
no more by your side.

So you know, how I really love you,
how you've been there for me,
helped me believe, that you might be the one,
the one that can save me from,
all of my fears, all of my worries,
when I'm by your side.

By your side, I finally feel safe and strong,
no more afraid of what is to come.
By your side, I feel what it means to be secure,
always in love with the one that can cure my fears.

So you know, how I really love you,
how you've been there for me, helped me believe,
that you might be the one,
the one that can save me from,
all of my fears, all of my worries,
when I'm by your side...

The author's comments:
My best friend's boyfriend is moving to New York tomorrow and she is already starting to miss him terribly. After spending an afternoon with her and him, this poem hit me like a truck. I quickly scrawled it out and they both said that it was how they were feeling.

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