Trapped in Eden | Teen Ink

Trapped in Eden

March 3, 2012
By Annalie13 GOLD, East Providence, Rhode Island
Annalie13 GOLD, East Providence, Rhode Island
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is better to burn out, than to fade away."-Kurt Cobain

I've found God.
Sad shell of what he once was.
God is dead...or might as well me at least.
It's a Sunday, what's the hustle?
My hair's blowing in gusts of--
Tears of death and kiss my lips,
Forget the past while you shake my hips.

Add to my cry the broken lips of an angel.
Tear stained cheeks and bruised up faces.
I have no other, for he walks among the shadows,
I hold another, who tread waters so shallow.

I'll set fire to the ether.
Eat the flame and burn.
I don't even care anymore.
It's a Sunday, what's the hustle?
There's no need to make a fuss of--
We don't even care, drowning in Eden.
Floating by my hair, forget it, we did.

Add to my cry the broken lips of an angel.
Tear stained cheeks and bruised up faces.
I have no other, for he walks in shadows.
I hold another, who treads waters so shallow.

God is dead.
Abandoned me.
God is dead.
Yeah, he's dead to me!
Choke on poison apples, your lips' demise.
Drown under the waters of Eden with all your lies.
Eat the burning ether, watch it burn.
Feel the heat as it all burns away.
Sit and cry at your lessons learned,
Watch it all burn away.

The author's comments:
So I came up with the chorus one day at my friends house on her couch. I thought it was really good, so I saved it on my phone. I sort of forgot about it, until I was scrolling through my stuff the other day and I found it. I decided to write the song based around the chorus. When I wrote it, I pictured a girl being on love with two boys, a dark man who "walks in shadows," and another "who treads waters so shallow." After I finished writing it, I made the connections from Eden, God, and the two men. Honestly, when I wrote this it was just random lines that were running through my head. But when I read it over a couple times, I realized that it's sort of about Eve. If you don't know the story, I suggest you google it. It's my favorite. Don't forget to leave a comment! (:

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