Don't Let This Take Over (Superhero) | Teen Ink

Don't Let This Take Over (Superhero)

February 26, 2011
By tokiofalloutgirl BRONZE, Washington, Pennsylvania
tokiofalloutgirl BRONZE, Washington, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You're drowning in misery.
The mystery is left inside the ground.
As you burn underground,
You're too numb to feel right now.

We're living in a tragedy,
Overshadowed comedy.
We shouldn't be like this.
And you're no superhero,
you can't save this.
Burn in your mind we'll lie to pretend.
Don't let this take over.

You're no superhero.
They live in your constant fear.
Time's too thin to tell,
left in half-blank empty stares.
To feel hurt is just amusing for some;
to fix themselves.
You're just living proof of this.

We're living in a tragedy,
Overshadowed comedy.
We shouldn't be like this.
And you're no superhero,
you can't save this.
Burn in your mind we'll lie to pretend.
Don't let this take over.

You're drowning in misery.
The mystery is left inside the ground.
As you burn underground,
You're too numb to feel right now.

We're living in a tragedy,
Overshadowed comedy.
We shouldn't be like this.
And you're no superhero,
you can't save this.
Burn in your mind we'll lie to pretend.
Don't let this take over.
we're living in a tragedy,
overshadowed comedy.
we shouldn't be like this.
we shouldn't be like this.

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