Of all the things that I have done. (heartbreak) | Teen Ink

Of all the things that I have done. (heartbreak)

December 19, 2010
By MadMadds BRONZE, Shawnee, Kansas
MadMadds BRONZE, Shawnee, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes you cant find the line between dreams and reality."

Wake up from dreams and search for answers,
splash your face with water and realize they're not really there.
Thats heartbreak.
Beat your fists into the wall,
fill hundreds of diaries with words and then wish to burn them all.
Thats heartbreak.
Wake up in a house that doesnt feel like home,
fall asleep next to the one and wake up to find that your all alone.
Thats heartbreak.
Define heartbreak.

Of all the things that I have done,
'wished for arrivals of protical sons-
witnessed countless mornings
and watched a war we've not yet won,
pleaded in desperation from those who terrorize just for fun.
These are just a little sum of all the things that I have done.

The author's comments:
Its just a little sum, of all the things I've felt or done.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 26 2011 at 10:01 am
Ashlyn_Starr PLATINUM, Oak Grove, Missouri
31 articles 17 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life often feels like it's spinning. Just stop and look at the design being made."~ Advice given to me by my aunt Kaitlyn

Wow! That's pretty deep. Amazing work.