Good enough for me | Teen Ink

Good enough for me

May 17, 2024
By hitchjor BRONZE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
hitchjor BRONZE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Will I ever be good enough 

Good enough for a mom and dad 

Will I ever be loved like all of my peers at school

Who all have a mom and dad 

I wish I could have been 

Given the chance to experience the joy of a family

Will I ever get the chance to experience

That type of love that you can hold onto for 

The rest of your life and know that you will always have a place to go 

I was the little girl who was given up on 5 days after birth 

I was adopted 18 months later 

With the new hope of having the family I once hoped for 

At just the age of 10 I had to grow up

I had to prepare myself for the next few years

A little 12 year old kid shouldn't have to be expecting a child of their own.

 This world is so cruel 

All I wanted was to be loved for who I am 

And not for what I can give to those around me 

Why me 

Was I the problem I guess 

I'll never know when the one thing

I was carrying for 7 months

I set my whole life for this one thing 

That wasn't even born yet 

It broke my heart when I had a fight 

The loss of it

It took me years to learn that this incident wasn't my fault

I spent days,weeks, months, and years blaming myself 

Thinking that I did everything wrong 

How is a child supposed to prepare for motherhood

When i'm not  even through elementary school

I should be going over to sleepovers 

And out to the movies but now

I have to work on myself so I can grow 

And be the best me I can 

Although people go through terrible things

We all have to find a way out of our depression

There are days that I just want to give up

All I can see is a dark halfway 

Swallowing me whole 

How am I supposed to grieve 

With everything I have gone through 

All I want to do is give up and cut everyone 

I love out of my life and just give up

But how am I supposed to make a difference 

In my life and those I care about 

I can do I am a strong person 

All I need to do is keep my head 

Held high so I am ready for the next obstacle

That is  coming my way 

It’s gonna be hard 

I am always scared to try new things

So how can I have enough

Courage to prove to everyone and 

Most importantly prove to myself that 

I am strong enough to 

Get through all these crazy challenges 

That face me every second I 

Turn the corner

My life has been full of scary

And painful memories 

Now I am trying to find my way 

I have met so many people who hurt me 

I have had to grow up way faster than all my friends 

No one really knew the pain I was going through


Fast forwarding through my timeline 

I have met so many amazing people who 

Have changed me for the better 

It's still hard to wake up every morning

With the pictures on my wall 

Reminding me of everything I lost and 

Once cherished so much

Every day is a struggle but I have 

An amazing teams of encouraging people

Who make me see the light in the world 

When all I see is the darkness 

Swallowing me whole 

I have now been given the courage to 

Believe in myself even 

On the bad day I know I can always 

Look to these wonderful people around me 

And know I am good enough 

And that my life is good enough for me 

The author's comments:

After going through my abuse and a pregnancy that did not end the best I have had to take the time to try to heal I had to grow up at just the age of 11 or younger this is a song that I wrote to show my ex parents that I have grown and I am so much better than them and even though they messed up my life I was able to take the time to learn how to heal and grow even if I had to grow up faster than all of my friend I hope other people will be able to relate to my words so it can help them grow too.

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