God, Don’t Take Me Away | Teen Ink

God, Don’t Take Me Away

April 28, 2024
By janehong_21 BRONZE, Barcelona, Other
janehong_21 BRONZE, Barcelona, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be the woman you would look up to.

[Verse 1]

Such big a fire, isn’t it?

She loves birds, she wanna fly

Flying away that’s what she desires

Weeks passed but they keep the fire

So she flew away



Too much hate for a simple girl

She can’t even stay at house

She can’t stand it anymore

Maybe that’s why she left the race



Audience screaming “We don’t want you”

She is crying “I can’t stand this anymore

I just wanna leave”

“What’d happen if I disappear? What if?”

So she waits a month

And you can’t see her anymore

People is wondering where she is

So they start regretting what they said


[Verse 2]

She know she is crazy

But she can’t care less

She just flyaway to a remote country

Where she finds peace

Screaming “Who can ever find me?

But who cares?”

She couldn’t stand it anymore

So she stopped marking scores



Peace she finds out the beaten track

Where nobody can attack

She didn’t keep her oath

But she finally can breathe



Audience screaming “We don’t want you”

She is crying “I can’t stand this anymore

I just wanna leave”

“What’d happen if I disappear? What if?”

So she waited a month

And you can’t see her anymore

People is wondering where is she

So they start regretting what they said



“I’d rather burn my whole life now

Than stay there and keep listening”

She told to her favorite man in the Paddock

“I can help you, meet me in the dock”

So she went, and they started everything

Days later she was not there, somehow



God, don’t take me away

From the solace I have found

In the quiet of this distant place

Where my soul is unbound

Let the world forget my name

As I fade into the night

Grant me freedom from the pain

And the burdens of this fight

God, don’t take me away

Let me disappear without a trace

In the refuge of this unknown land

Where I've finally found my grace


[Verse 3]

Let me find my peace in the silence

Where the echoes of judgment fade

I'll forge my path away from violence

In the stillness where I've prayed



God, please, be with me

I don’t wanna be found, never

I hated being there, people yelling at me

Now I beg you, God, every night

“I’m your strongest knight,

Could you let me rest,let me free?”

I already have my life

I don’t wanna live under lies

God, don’t take me away

Don’t take me there again



God, don’t take me away

If have to leave the race

I would do it, just to stay in peace

Let the world forget my name

If that makes me stay in this place

But, please, I beg on my knees

God, Don’t take me away



Father, you can burn my car

But, please, never take me away

I don’t wanna break what we are

God, don’t take me away

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