Moving On | Teen Ink

Moving On

November 16, 2020
By hayleyjade410 BRONZE, Benton, Louisiana
hayleyjade410 BRONZE, Benton, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments


(singing)i know i have to move on one day, i know i won’t always feel this way, but right now i do so i have to say, anything at all to get through this day

verse 1; 

(rapping)yeah about 2 months ago i lost my best friend, he died in a reckless accident, his life came to an end, the driver didn’t have a license, and she was smoking with them, it’s hard not to hate her for that thing that she did, i know shouldn’t, but i do, that one joy ride changed lives, 2 kids died, 3 survived, i wish he was revived, that girl committed a crime, i hope she’s facing time


(singing)i know i have to move on one day, i know i won’t always feel this way, but right now i do so i have to say, anything at all to get through this day

verse 2; 

(rapping) it’s been 5 months now, i was hospitalized, i couldn’t take the grief of my bestfriend that died, i’m doing a little better i thought i needed time, as it turns out i just need hope to revive, i couldn’t bring myself to his funeral and see him like that, laying in a casket not breathing a breath, i think i need to go visit him, but i can’t bring myself to do it, i tried to deny his death as if i could undo it


(singing)i know i have to move on one day, i know i won’t always feel this way, but right now i do so i have to say, anything at all to get through this day

verse 3;

it’s been 8 months now, and i’m finally back, i still love him and miss him, but i can’t take all the panic attacks, i’ve accepted his death and i’ll never forget it, but i can’t live my life in sorrow knowing i’ll regret it, now i have plans to go visit his grave, it’s been over half a year, but i know what to say, i’m no longer putting myself at the blame, as i can’t control something hundreds of miles away, i won’t bring him flowers as i hate that tradition, if you really love someone, you should have gave them flowers living, ill attach the note i wrote half a year ago, to a balloon and release and watch the wind flow, i’m now at peace with his passing, and for the first in a while, i’m finally happy and have a true smile

The author's comments:

I wrote this about my best friend, who passed in a car wreck. Grief sucks, and it's hard. The reason I wrote this is because writing is how I cope; so writing this helped me. I found out about the wreck in school on March 3, I was sitting in class on a normal day. A girl in my class asked me about it because a lot of people know how close we were, and I had no idea about it. I didn't believe any of the people saying it was true. So I texted his friend, and he confirmed it. As soon as I read the message my heart collapsed. I started struggling to catch a breath so the teacher sent me to the counselor. All she said to me was there's no way to be sure it was true and I needed to go back to class; so I went to the bathroom and looked up his name. The first thing that popped up was an article about him... and his wreck. I looked at the time of the article and it was posted less than 3 hours after I had last talked to him.                                 
Dedicated to: Anthony McEntire (June 14, 2005- March 2, 2020)

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