The Willow Man | Teen Ink

The Willow Man

March 7, 2016
By Strangersletter BRONZE, Tetonia, Idaho
Strangersletter BRONZE, Tetonia, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Her majesty is grace, but only her truth can be bestowed by the Willow man

He lay in full suit and quite tan

Gripping the handle of his sharp blade, that ever so slightly swayed

Beginning his work was all it took for the pay

Chop chop went the axe and bark after bark was ripped

Her thin leaves left with every hit and soon she began to tip

Assistance needed the man for he could no longer do alone

The mightiness of this woman was working him to the bone

Taking in her full breath she wasn't letting go

Heave said the men while she said no!

The author's comments:

I was reading about deforestation in the United States and in the Amazon. It inspired me to write this poem.

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