Can you Imagine | Teen Ink

Can you Imagine

April 24, 2011
By ImAwesome SILVER, Stickney, Illinois
ImAwesome SILVER, Stickney, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Can you imagine…
The Southside with no Sox?
A turkey marrying a fox?
Oreos without the crème?
A shower without any steam?

Can you imagine…
Life with no death?
Right with no left?
The sky without clouds?
Cars not being loud?

Can you imagine…
A night with no moon?
A summer with no June?
Chicago without the lake?
People not being fake?

Can you imagine…..
A day with no light?
Happiness never being in sight?
To live with no fear?
An ear that can’t hear?

Can you imagine….
A table with no food?
A person without moods?
Seeing an apple roam?
An end to this poem?

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 21 2011 at 12:39 pm
LyricalBeauty GOLD, Fontana, California
14 articles 0 photos 34 comments

Favorite Quote:
" 'I am happy' that's just the saddest lie..."

"I think that all the silence is worse than all the violence. Fear is such a weak emotion, that's why I despise it..."

Hahah love it.! It's so carefree and fun :D

If you can, please check out my poems. Comments/Rates mean the world to me<3. Thanks!(=