Rise | Teen Ink

Rise MAG

January 11, 2024
By EmileSegarra GOLD, Pernes Les Fontaines, Other
EmileSegarra GOLD, Pernes Les Fontaines, Other
11 articles 1 photo 3 comments

As the sun gets up in the sky,  
And the birds sing and fly,  
It’s time to wake up,  
And drink from your cup, 
And start your day with a smile and a sigh. 

The author's comments:

Creating this limerick I tried to portray as best as I could the process of a perfect waking up in the morning. This took a lot of trial and error as I tried to perfect it. Overall I greatly enjoyed writing this and hope others enjoy and can give me feedback.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 3 at 11:06 am
Amina43-0953 GOLD, Tirana, Other
13 articles 16 photos 18 comments
I like the rhymes!