What Happened? | Teen Ink

What Happened?

July 16, 2023
By corns00p BRONZE, Encino, California
corns00p BRONZE, Encino, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When the last tree has been cut down,

And the forests have been burned to the ground,

And the ocean is high,

And the lakes are low,

And it can only be desert or snow,

When the world is about to end,

And there are cracks that we cannot mend

You remember it was funny,

When it was all about money,

But now it’s all gone, what then?

Mother Nature has cried her last tear

For the animals that used to be here

The icebergs are nothing,

Politicians are running,

From all of their ignored fears.

You’ll think 

“We should have cared

About polluting the air,

And the ground we were on,

And the oil that we’d drawn,

And the water we wasted,

The red meat we tasted.”

When the final sun sets on the sand,

And you can count your days on one hand,

You’ll think, “We should have listened

And counted our emissions,

When we thought earth was ours to command.”

The forests still aren’t flattened,

The trees still aren’t blackened,

But the time is coming fast

When we will have to ask,

“Everything is dying; what happened?”

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