Natures beauty | Teen Ink

Natures beauty

December 7, 2017
By Anonymous

A collection of poems

Table of contents:

1- Nature in the suburbs, a set of haikus
2- The Rainforest Ballet, an extended metaphor
3- The Ocean in the Morning, a cinquain
4- Let them be, a pantoum



Nature in the suburbs

Suburban nature
All the leaves are a cold brown,
and so is the air


                                     Suburban nature
                                     When the deep blue rain comes down
                                     It comes down hard

                                                                                                                Suburban nature
Filled with streets and skyscrapers
Not so much nature

The Rainforest Ballet

The Rainforest is a ballet.
The trees are male dancers, holding up monkey ballerinas as they leap through the air.
The birds create beautiful symphonies as they call out for a mates.
The insects forum an audience, humming along with the music.
The dances are always changing and evolving
Humans disrespect the male dancers, and therefore, they will fall.
The monkey ballerinas now have no one to support them
But it is the humans who cry out “encour”



The Ocean in the Morning

Sun rise
A cast of light
Makes way above shore
All day, reflecting light, until,
Sun set





Let them Be

When you see a birds nest up in a tree
Do the world a favor
Just let them be
Ruining the nest does not make you braver

Do the world a favor
Take a deep breath of nature's air
Ruining the nest does not make you braver
Let the wind blow tangles in your hair

Take a deep breath of nature's air
Be patient with the eggs
Let the wind blow tangles in your hair
Good things don't come to one who begs

Be patient with the eggs
Just let them be
Good things don't come to one who begs
When you see a birds nest up in a tree


Line #   Rhyme Scheme
1   a
2   b
3   a
4   b

5 (2)   b
6   c
7 (4)   b
8   c

9 (6)   c
10   d
11 (8)   c
12   d

13 (10)   d
14 (3)   a
15 (12)   d
16 (1)   a

The author's comments:

This peice is about all of the aspects of nature.

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