Inadequacy | Teen Ink


April 26, 2017
By Skunshine BRONZE, Clarence Creek, Ontario
Skunshine BRONZE, Clarence Creek, Ontario
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A shadow at night

Gone and always forgotten


The author's comments:

I used "a shadow at night" to represent or symoblize anything that could feel or relate to the idea of inadequacy. I wanted and intended on my audience to interpret the poem in their own way. Some might look at this poem and think of Gang violence and poverty in the west. Another might think of soldiers who have sacrificed their life. that way this poem is a perosnal poem to everyone. It doesnt limit itself to one circumstance or group of people. I often struggle with inadequecy in many different aspects, particularly with life and existence. I have a hard time handeling my reailty. One day I will die and be forgotten about. This haunts me.  

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