Peace | Teen Ink


June 3, 2014
By Benkramer BRONZE, Fox Point, Wisconsin
Benkramer BRONZE, Fox Point, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Moonlight’s shining glow
Drifts behind a dark, black cloud
Darkness reigns, quiet.

There was a village
Deep in a forest clearing
Foot of the mountain.

Sat the quaint old town
Nestled in the silent vale
Lost in deep, clear dreams.

They came in the night
Looking for what they had lost
Setting fire to all.

When morning arrived
Confusion, panic, nothing
They lay siege, many days.

They stayed still, watching
Waiting for a surrender
They would never get.

Every day at noon
They took one to be tortured
Looking for secrets.

Trying to find it
They said there was treasure here
None knew what it was.

Said one young child,
“They took all of them away,
My family is gone.”

And said another,
“How many more will it be?
They come to destroy.”

This reply was met
With melancholy silence
They wait for morning.

This morning, different
Army of millions arrived
To slaughter till death.

They said to the town,
“If you give us the treasure,
We will stop all this.”

Said the town’s mayor,
“We have no treasure at all.
We are innocent.”

The great army rushed
Confusion, panic, death, loss
Sky stained red with blood.

Red onslaught of tears
Tears of innocent children
Watching family die.

When the morning comes
Bloody, tear-stained battlefield
They did not fight back.

Everything was gone
The houses, all the people
Even the children.

Massacred for what?
What treasure did they look for?
For what were they killed?

The treasure was peace
All peace was gone from the land
There was nothing left.

But one body rose
From the dark, red battlefield
On his hand it hung.

A bright golden ring
Deeply engraved on it was:
There is always hope.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 14 2014 at 3:03 pm
beAWESOMEstayAWESOME BRONZE, New York City, New York
3 articles 0 photos 133 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Work hard in silence and let your accomplishments make the noise."

i love it! and i like how you ended it with theres always hope. big thumbs up!