Godless Month | Teen Ink

Godless Month

August 25, 2013
By MarlenaBen BRONZE, Lakewood, Colorado
MarlenaBen BRONZE, Lakewood, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Silence tiptoes
Through golden brown, harvested fields;
First mist biting.

Desolate air-
The frigid dancing snowflakes
Tickle my cheeks.

Banked fire
Covers withered house-
Winter seclusion.

Wilted flowers
Under the harsh blanket of sleet-
Dreams of warmth.

Waves of frost
Dissipate under kisses of sunshine;
One mountain rose.

The author's comments:
The winter months somehow always brings a hint of sadness, whether it is the never-ending chill that triggers it or the end of christmas. I wrote this themed haiku to reflect on the magic of winter and the hope for spring.

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