Reluctance | Teen Ink


March 6, 2010
By xBaByGiRrL22x PLATINUM, Pearl River, New York
xBaByGiRrL22x PLATINUM, Pearl River, New York
22 articles 0 photos 280 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The goal isn't to live forever, but create something that will."
"If you wanna go, baby let's go; if you wanna rock, I'm ready to roll.''
"No one ever said it'd be easy. They just said it'd be worth it." <3

You can't get to me,
I refuse to allow it;
You push and take all

My say means nothing
You're always around to see
me all in pieces

I know the real you,
and so do you so darling,
please let it all be;

I just want to see
everything I see in you,
come all the way out;

You're on constant watch
Don't think I ever see it?
I know you too well

Just too hard-headed,
Too stubborn, too persistent;
Just too reluctant

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