respect | Teen Ink


June 11, 2018
By associatedlife BRONZE, Stevensville, Michigan
associatedlife BRONZE, Stevensville, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


I’ll tell you what it means to the world

To this society that suffocates me


And adore what we have been allowed

Although it’s big or small

Adequate or atrocious

Astute or abstract


And follow the rules faultlessly,

Despite the oppress

Like soldiers well oiled in war

Don’t ask questions

Just do it, comply

For we have no other option


We must regard with great humor

Held to

Preserve throughout the ages

With a grand title

A meaningless title

A supposed earned title


We must love and treasure

We look up with glazed eyes, filmed in sheer wonder

Look but don’t touch, for the importance

It’s too much for us

We must respect the unyielding knowledge





Respect has been ingrained like a tattoo

It blars bold across our limbic system

Spilling across our lives

We unwaveringly





But why?

Why do as I’m told? Because you said so?

Why should I appreciate your “wisdom”?

Because knowledge is age?

Why should I honor the old, the wise, the rules?

Because that’s the way it is, the right way?

Why should I be forced to treasure the filth you pour into my mind?

Because you are right?

Respect comes at such a staggering price

I’m dangerously close to falling off the edge

If I falter in my step, I’m twinning with death in the worlds eyes

Why must I fill in the shoes stepping in a circle

Walk without reason, blind

The definite possibility that my guide is wrong

It shines through the minimal good


I will respect those who respect me

I will not bend into the molds that you have forced me into

I will never conform to you

For you are undeserving of me

The author's comments:

I wrote this after dealing with a difficult substitute teacher that demanded respect but didn't really deserve it. She grated my nerves throughout the entire class period. This piece is about situations like this, about never giving something like respect to someone until they prove that they deserve it. I've always had a difficult time understanding why terrible teachers deserve to be treated with respect. 

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