D of Depression | Teen Ink

D of Depression

June 6, 2018
By jlhg96 GOLD, Las Vegas, Nevada
jlhg96 GOLD, Las Vegas, Nevada
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Depression is something that I don't want nobody have, but that is impossible

No only because depression can force you make stupid stuff, depression is annoying

Depression is like that friend annoying that sometimes you want to kill him, it doesn't matter how many times you say “leave me alone” he always be there, and the worst thing he never go too leave you because when you start to feel better depression come back more faster than a f1

Bad news, someone close to you die, no more relationship, and depression is like “you think I going to leave you forever HAHAHA” and is a circle that always going to repeat

Depression don't let you see the good stuff that this world have

Depression is a bitter candy

Depression is a chocolate in your new shirt

Depression is a pimple on the face in your graduation

Depression is a D in your progress report

Depression is the guy that your girl said you don't need to take care

Depression is the police and you are the color people during the Jim crow era

Depression is the girl that you call in middle school ugly

Depression always going to come back and more stronger than before

this generation depression is the most common stuff and most of the people have suicide attempts me like one example but we are humans and not everybody can help each other and the most common stuff in depression is

“I'm am alone”

How true is that?

No one love you

How true is that?

I'm ugly

Maybe but how true is that?

My grandma always said

if you don't love yourself

How other person can do that?

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