The Before | Teen Ink

The Before

May 29, 2018
By nxnaj BRONZE, New York, New York
nxnaj BRONZE, New York, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I once was innocent
encouraged to see the dark as light
A simple hello, a single smile
can draw out a grin
It starts with a shy hello
feet scuffling in the dirt
and before you know it
laughter rings in the air
feet dance on the ground
The sky becomes a baby blue blanket
clouds become friends
and swings and slides become rockets and rollercoasters

I once had a bunny
it’s eyes unblinking little stones
with fur of coldest frost
and ears of velvety down
It had no name
it had no life
it was not real
but I still loved it to my heart’s content
Because in my dreams it came alive
dancing and singing with me
Showing me all the colors of the world
even as I dream in black and white

The author's comments:

With my childhood memories come nostalgia, and so I recreated the feeling into a poem. The past seems so colorful and vivid, compared to the darker and drearier present, and the even foggier future.

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