Listicle | Teen Ink


May 26, 2018
By Aleshab BRONZE, Oshkosh , Wisconsin
Aleshab BRONZE, Oshkosh , Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

5 Reasons why you should give your Relationship another thought

1) Ask Yourself: Are you ready to commit? If you are not ready to commit or ready for a relationship why are you in one in the first place? Ask yourself. Are you ready to commit? Are you ready to fall in love with your best friend? If you are not ready to commit, then do not get into a serious relationship, or take some time for yourself to get your thoughts together, you do not always have to be with someone. But, do not get into a relationship if you are not ready to commit/ not ready for one.

2) Do you find yourself giving more chances than you should be? Don't give out chance after chance to someone who keeps asking for forgiveness just so they can hurt you another time. The more chances you give someone, the less respect they'll start to have for you. They'll begin to ignore the standards that you've set because they'll know chances will always be given. They're not afraid to lose you because they know no matter what you won't walk away. They get comfortable with depending on your forgiveness. Never let a person get comfortable disrespecting you, and definitely, don't settle for someone who takes advantage of you.

3) Stop trying so hard: What's meant to be will end up good and what's not- won’t. Stop trying to be someone can’t be just to try and make someone else happy, in the end, they will fall in love with the evidence front you put on the entire time, and soon realize all along you paid too much attention to someone you thought they wanted.

Sometimes you have to be strong for yourself. You have to know that you are a good person and a good friend. Love is worth fighting for, but sometimes you can't be the only one fighting. At times, people need to fight for you. If they don’t, you just have to move on and realize what you gave them was more than what they were willing to give you. Hopefully, people will realize the good things when they come around and not lose something so real. But, always fight until you can’t anymore, and then be fought for by someone worth your time; and don’t settle for anything less! Know your worth. For more information, click the link at right to read about value in a relationship Do Your Relationships have V.A.L.U.E?


4) Are you losing yourself when in a relationship? Never lose yourself in a relationship, the worst possible thing you can do. If it’s not meant to be, what happens when one leaves? Your left to refind yourself- all alone! All over again. Sometimes you have to be strong for yourself, not starting from the bottom once your relationship comes to an end. Losing yourself in a relationship is like forgetting who you used to be before you met a very special individual. Never forget who you are in a relationship, and definitely, don't lose yourself. You matter most.

5) Are you together for the wrong reasons? Absolutely do not be in a relationship for the wrong reasons, only be in a relationship for the right reasons. Be in a relationship to learn and grow together, share love, support, have fun, and simply be with someone who brings you the good ol’ butterflies to your stomach; makes you feel at home when you're together.

5 Qualities to Appreciate in your Significant Other


1) Realize and Acknowledge who you have as a romantic partner:  Accept your partner for who they are, not who you hoped they'd be. You shouldn't go into a relationship hoping that person will be everything you are looking for, no one is everything anyone is looking for; don't expect too much. Let them be themselves. it’s only best when you know the real version of what’s inside one's heart, and what makes them who they are. If you know your partner is not suiting your interests, make sure to end the relationship- not only for your interest but to let this specific person know straightforward how you are feeling; and no time will be wasted. To read more click this link- Building and Repairing Trust


2) Value Deep Connections between you and your significant other: If you or your significant other doesn't value the deep conversation you have with each other, what's left to appreciate? This is one of the best parts of a relationship, connecting with someone and everything else comes naturally. Conversations get deep and effortless, feeling comfortable to tell each other anything, no secrets kept, and you discuss everything that happened to each others days. Value the conversations between you and your better half, or else you will find that nothing is more valuable in a relationship than communicating; communication is key. Don’t let the door always be locked and the key never unlocking the door.  


3) Pay Attention to Personality: Everything an individual looks for in a significant other is how good or bad your personality is. If you have a great personality to offer, then she's/he’s a keeper. But, on the other hand, if you have a not so good personality and you’re disrespectful to people for no given reason, that goes to show how you will be treated in a relationship with this specific person. I know what your thinking, you don't want anything to do with this type of person, and I don't blame you. Don't put up with this, you absolutely deserve so much better!

4) Thoughtfullness: Be thoughtful!!  Relationships require being thoughtful. Many often overlook the importance of thoughtfulness. Life is fast-paced and we often get so wrapped up in our day-to-day lives that we lose sight of how important it is to work to make our significant other happy. Including learning one another’s likes and dislikes, supporting each other during difficult times, and encouraging each other during the good times; paying attention to small details and doing special things we know they will enjoy. Be thoughtful because it's nice to be thought of once in a while, to feel loved and appreciated; we all need it sometimes.

5) Being Non-Judgemental: Happiness in relationships stems from the ability to be honest with each other, which in turn stems from the comfort of knowing you can open up to another person without being judged. You should never judge a person based on who they are because that's who they are and that's who you have to accept them for. Do not judge a person. Being judgemental towards another individual can be easily sensed by that person; think about how that will make that person feel. Think before you act.

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