I Need A Break- Maybe Time Away | Teen Ink

I Need A Break- Maybe Time Away

May 25, 2018
By Aleshab BRONZE, Oshkosh , Wisconsin
Aleshab BRONZE, Oshkosh , Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Is it okay to take a break where there's too much going on?

It's hard to decide which speaks louder. Me standing before you, red face and tears rapidly rolling down my cheeks, sniffling nose and tired eyes or the words that flow fluently from my mouth. Sometimes, it's hard to determine whether its school that weighs bucket loads of assignments all due to tomorrow or at home, to busy caught up in the never-ending thoughts to notice you're trying to get my attention from the music currently jamming in my ears. whether its the midnight walks to the nearest bridge overlooking water or the late night talks, somehow my mind is never at rest. Not even when I sleep.

Does the constant thoughts ever die down?


How do you know you need time for yourself?


Actually, not everything said is as easily done. Rather than seeing signs in ourselves or any wake-up calls, it tends to lead to wild thoughts like "I'll be fine if I can get through this week" or "there isn't any time for a break, I'll fall behind." or " I have to push through, then I can take a break" and " I'm fine, I don't need a break" and on goes the excuses.


I am not saying you shouldn't push yourself to get through the day or the week, or even a lesson you've already heard a thousand times, but pushing yourself is one thing and pushing yourself too much is another. Pushing through something that comes difficult to us or nerve-racking is a lifelong skill that we all need to learn and a very important one at that.


But, the big problem is too often we find ourselves saying we will take a break later, or I don't need a break at this very moment. Then you find yourself never taking any time just to relax and think about what crosses your mind or that one huge decision you've put off for the longest time. Take time for yourself once in a while, especially a lot more then you imagine. Definitely, don't push yourself for too long before taking a break.


Take a walk by yourself to gather your thoughts and think about the big decision your teacher has been waiting on for the past week, put big-time thought into it. If you don't have time, make time. After all, we all need time alone to get our uncontrollable thoughts in a row.                                                 

Sometimes we need a break!

I mean yeah, the four-page study guide for finals was worth completing but not all at once where there's time to stress yourself out, given the deadline in less than six hours. Huh, take a break. Look at the basic information you need to know and you'll be good! Don't rack your brains trying to study and memorize everything from cover to cover; that's only more of an excuse to take a break so you remind yourself not put to much stress and strain on your body. Take a break, even when you briefly start to need it, you'll end up thanking yourself someday!


The top five reasons why you need a Break!!!

1) Those darn thoughts: The thoughts running through your mind are non-stop and never shut up!

2) You feel like today is going to be a long day: Six a.m. comes faster than you can blink your eye. Time to get up, drink a cup of freshly brewed coffee and hurry your way so aren't late for school/work. Sound like you? Take a break, it may seem necessary at the moment to put yourself under pressure; but is it really? Being a couple minutes late isn't going to hurt...

3) You can't sit still, your mind is in many places at once: This is probably the biggest one. There are so many things on your mind, taking a break or even a breather doesn't cross your mind. Your brain is spinning wildly to the next thing on your to-do list... Now, this is big! The never-ending thoughts that cross your mind, the more and more filled up your to-do list is getting, the more severe the headache gets. But, guess what? You bring this on yourself for overthinking, YOU. But, the best part is taking a breather in fresh air to clear your mind. Trust me, it is worth it, even if you claim you have no time to waste.

4) You worry all day about every little thing you can think of: As if all of your worryings will all be over when your day is over.. but you end up worrying anyway for countless hours, and then later end up wondering why you worried so much because you could pull it off.. so, what's the sense? Believe in yourself. Believe you can do anything you put your mind to. Have faith that you can get this task done. I know you can, don´t give in!

5) You want to run away!: This is a stage you will go through repeatedly throughout life, but whoever said life was easy?  I know, sometimes it seems it would be best to just disappear, but you´re wrong. Stay. Have a heart to heart chat with yourself. FIgure it out, then everything will fall back in place on its own.

Do you ever find yourself making excuse not to take a break because you want to push yourself to complete something so badly? Do you ever get caught up in your own thoughts? How about this. Do you ever find yourself wanting to give up because of the amount of stress on your shoulders? Well, if this is you, hopefully after reading this you will be able to understand the basic reasoning as to why you need to take a break, even if you use the classic lie and say you don't have time.

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