I am a Phone | Teen Ink

I am a Phone

May 22, 2018
By dancer11 PLATINUM, Okauchee, Wisconsin
dancer11 PLATINUM, Okauchee, Wisconsin
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Swipe up to unlock the home screen,
a pattern is created as you punch in the password.

Swipe right to scroll through the apps,
as they lay on the background in alphabetical order.

Swipe down from the top of the screen,
It shows all the notifications from close friends.

Swipe down and up to see all the messages,
so many unread text that need to be opened and respond to.

Swipe all the way to the left to stay informed,
as you read the weather and top news stories.

Swipe up and hold then swipe again,
to clear the apps that have been used throughout the day.

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