Slipping away | Teen Ink

Slipping away

May 16, 2018
By FFR.Nobody SILVER, Gahanna, Ohio
FFR.Nobody SILVER, Gahanna, Ohio
7 articles 2 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Artists are people driven by the tension between the desire to communicate and the desire to hide, as artist drawing, writing, blogging, photography etc. we have the power to reach out and and tell a story an be heard. Communicate even when its hard"

Is anyone out there
Can anyone hear me
Can anyone see me
Can anyone tell I’m here dying
I’m here all alone
I’m in the dark
I reach out to nothing there
Tears fall hard
I yell out as loud as I can over and over again
But no reply just an echo in the distance
I stand weakly on my feet
I wipe away the tears
Take a breath in and let it out
I look into the mirror as a tear fell
All the words everyone said
All the lies everyone told me
All the times everyone stabbed me in the back
All the times everyone left me 
All the good things taken away
All of it came back
My legs gave out and I fell to the ground
The tears started to fall once again
I scream out
What is wrong with me
Why can’t I do anything right
Why do I mess everything up
Why am I so f***ed up
I cry harder
I scream louder
It all echos through the dark in the distance
I punch the mirror
I through my head against the wall
I kick the ground over and over
I scratch and hit myself
I can barely breath
My throat is soar
I can’t stop crying
I bury my face in my hands laying in my lap

I reach for every small breath
Not a single soul is around
Not a single soul cared
No one hears a word said
No one hears a sound
No one sees the marks left
No one but myself
I don’t see any point anymore I just can’t take it anymore
All color and life drained from my body
My eyes went dark and filled with pain and torture
All expression was gone
My smile faded and my laugh was destroyed
My voice was quiet it became a whisper
I moved slow dragging myself  around
My head hung low
I dressed in sweaters and jeans
My hair was a mess
I was always wanting to sleep
My body and mind was always exhausted 
I barely touched any food
I quit looking before crossing the street
I quit counting the pills before taking them
I quit trying in school
I given up on life
I quit living
I’m dead inside
I’m  all alone slipping out of existence

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