Life is a mystery | Teen Ink

Life is a mystery

May 14, 2018
By jazzsquare BRONZE, Washington DC, District Of Columbia
jazzsquare BRONZE, Washington DC, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am the daughter of Freweini and an unknown person
My whole life, I’ve grown up with one parent
I’ve always wondered who the other half of me came from.
A lot of things about me, I know come from my mom
My skin as light as a beaver
The way I keep things to myself, all bottled up
My determination and perseverance
My ability to be empathetic.
There’s a whole other side of me that I have, but don’t know who it comes from
When I’m annoyed, I make snarky comments
But most times I’m courteous.
Never have I ever gotten up the courage to bring up the subject to my mom
Many times I’ve tried, but chickened out.
The secrecy suffocates me, and eats at my insides
It’s always on my mind, never leaving me alone
Pretending that it doesn’t bother me, but always wondering.
I always fantasize of what he looks like
How tall he would be, if he’s good looking or not, if he’s funny or not.
I know that if I continue like this, I’ll never get the answers I’m looking for.
I await the day that I ask my mom with impatience
Dying to know what happened, and why he isn’t a part of my life
I hope that day comes soon, because for now
Life is a mystery for me.

The author's comments:

This topic is something that I've always struggled with, and this was an outlet for me. 

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