Getting Through Life | Teen Ink

Getting Through Life

May 8, 2018
By Anonymous

School is hard and days are long

High school seems pointless and stressful

No one wants to do so much homework

Staying up until midnight studying and working

But it all goes somewhere

All of the adults tell you it will be worth it

But their opinions don't seem to matter

Because you think that you can't ge through it 

But you can and you will 

You are going to graduate high school with a diploma

You are going to go to college and major in a career

You are going to start your job and settle down

You are going to meet someone and start a family

You are going to grow old and retire

And when you are gray and old, you will see that it was all worth it

The author's comments:

I wrote it because sometimes I feel like school is pointless but it is important to start a life.

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