Me, how I learned what I am | Teen Ink

Me, how I learned what I am

May 8, 2018
By LunaMarleen BRONZE, Hamburg, Other
LunaMarleen BRONZE, Hamburg, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments


If someone will ever tell my story, which I doubt anyone will,

I want them to say, that I grew up never having selfconfidence.

Maybe that’s because my parents split up during my childhood.

I had a hard time finding and making friends all my life.

I changed schools and I had depressing times in my life.


But you should tell them, that I never gave up!

Music always inspired me and showed me a way out.

I was in all different kinds of acting programs and performing arts is a very big part of me.

I never was the brave kid, never the one who steps out the line, but then I did and I went on an exchange to a whole other country, far far away from everything that’s familiar to me.

And I experienced how to be grateful.

To be grateful for my outlived childhood spending most of my days in the yard of my grandmother, crafting, dancing and just living the best I could.

Being grateful for having such a supporting family who helped me through the hardest times with an eating disorder and depression.

I am sad, that I never had the closest relationship with my brothers and cousins, but as soon as I come back I am going to change that!

Tell them, that in a whole different country, far far away from everything that’s familiar to me I cried through many nights wanting nothing more than hugging my mom again and being home.

God, I cant think about how it feels to hug her again, I’ll cry.

Tell them I learned how to be grateful.

Tell them in 10 months I learned to be brave and how to trust even though I changed states, family twice and schools twice. I learned how I can help myself and how to not be depending on people too much and how to take a breath for a second can change evrything

I learned how to love.

Tell them, that that was the most important part for me to becoming who I am today.

Tell them, if anyone ever tells my story, which I doubt anyone will, that taking a breath is all you need.

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