My dad | Teen Ink

My dad

May 9, 2018
By LunaMarleen BRONZE, Hamburg, Other
LunaMarleen BRONZE, Hamburg, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When he looks at you with his sligthly oval head, his droopy nose and his kind, always slightly narrowed summer day sky blue eyes and his round tousled eyebrows and his wrinkles to the side of his eyes and between his brows and over his forehead, I remember how he raised his brows up for me to make me laugh when I was little: he looked so funny, And his small lips and his lovely child looking cheeks that every once in a while are covered by a bit of beardhair and then there are his slip liders that makes him look so kind and lovely, when I look in that face, I feel protected and loved and I am proud to be his daughter!

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