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May 9, 2018
By LunaMarleen BRONZE, Hamburg, Other
LunaMarleen BRONZE, Hamburg, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from playing in my Omas yard all day and smell all the flowers and climb into the apple trees.

(I always scratched myself)

I am from practicing headstand on a blue pillow in her yard and doing cartwheals.

I am from baking Broetchen in the early morning with my Oma with her improvised recipe, they always where delisious and the entire house smelled like fresh broetchen.

I am from waking up my Pabba with the smell of the broetchen by holding them under his nose while he was still sleeping.

I am from spending days crafting, drawing, dancing, singing and walks in the woods. The time always passed by so fast when I am in the woods, talking to my dad.

I still feel my Omas Hand in mine from when we walked together and she told me about her youth.

I am from always planning my birthday 4 months ahead and having sleepovers.

I am from sitting in my room while my parents screamed at eachother.

I am from the night when my Mama wanted to leave and my Pabba made her stay.

I am from growing up with my loving, black dog with Bernstein- eyes.

I am from growing up with my mom.

I am from too much empathy and too little confidence.

I changed schools after being bullied, but I always had my Mama by my side.

I am from eating Schinken-Kaese-Nudeln, that my Oma makes the best and Crepes from Christmas Markets.

I am from a creative Childhood.

I am from a loved Family.

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